Sunday, 27 September 2015


Home is where the heart is
Home is also where the stomach is...

It's that place where you were taught to eat your vegetables
Don't eat cookies in bed or you'll have nightmares
That you shouldn't drink milk from the carton
Or that grilled cheese sandwiches pair lovely with tomato soup

Home is the place where you can always find something in fridge
Where leftover lasagna makes for a hearty breakfast
That it's okay to eat the crumbs off your shirt
Or lick your fingers

Where it's safe to double dip - sometimes
You can eat peanut butter from a jar
Shamelessly help yourself to seconds, thirds and fourths...
Home is where midnight snacks are made

Home is where you learned family recipes
Experimented with tradition or
Make a new one

Where you feel that no matter what you eat
It would always be good for you
Make you smile
Keep you strong
Keep you healthy

Home is where recipes are shared
Where chicken soup cures your cold
And orange juice and toothpaste often collide

Where you fight over the last lamb chop
Christmas turkeys turn into sandwiches
Overripe bananas turn into bread
And tomatoes turn into sauce

Home is where thumbprints press into cookie dough
Where gingerbread get smiley faces
And hot chocolate thaws frost bitten cheeks

Home is where the heart is
Where your mind body and spirit
Are fed


A Girl