Here I am again.
Me, a screen, an idea and the hopes to build a blog.
So you may ask "What's so different this time?" The title should clue you in that this is about food. For those who know me well enough, you know that I'm a food junkie, I love to entertain and host parties and that I'm quite sentimental about the entire subject.
However, food is more than just something you consume to live. Oh it's much more. The difference this time it's not so technical. Not from a chef's perspective like the past, but from a Girl's perspective. A girl who likes to cook who also likes to eat.
For me, definitely, I love to eat, love even more to cook and I'm crazy about feeding those I love.
When I say Food...I say Love. I mean real love. The feeling that links you to someone, some moment, or some action that is now fully apart of you.
This blog is not about recipes, "how-tos" or great places in town to try a particular dish. No, this one is about my connection with what food has meant to me. More like a creative way to share a part of what makes food so special to me - kind of like a diary, a little like a confession, . This is my way to connect two things I do in my free time. Write and Cook.
Maybe you'll be able to relate or maybe not...?
Everyone has a food journey and this will be mine. So prepare yourself, this may seem a bit kooky, random and maybe even a bit far-out but I promise it's all mine.
"Okay blogger, food must be your passion," you may say. No, it's not my passion. It's everyone's passion. I'm no different from anyone else on this planet in that regard. It is what it is...
Food - as it is:
Some people have too much, some take it for granted. Others go days without it out of choice, and millions go without it because they have no choice. It can be tossed out, it can be saved at the back of your refrigerator for days on end with the intentions of being eaten. It can be given, it can be taken away as punishment for not cleaning your room. It can tell a story, be a sign of forgiveness, a secret comfort, a reason to celebrate. It can frustrate us, it can calm us down. It can upset us and yet it can be a message of love. Food is powerful. Food = Inspired...
What to expect to read when you click on my blog? You will read some poems maybe, the odd essay and descriptive text on how something delicious or maybe not so delicious has worked its way into my life. You may read something unusual, or maybe you'll read something that reaches the deepest ebb of your heart and you too will be inspired.
What do I need from you, the reader? An open mind, a sense of humor, and patience as I may take my time to deliver my message. I believe in sharing it right the first time instead of blabbing now and having to explain it all later. Some posts may be short and sweet (much like myself) some may be long and tell a story going for ages (which I will try to avoid).
I won't be handing out ideas and tricks of the culinary trade (although if you need help, I won't say no) but I will be handing out stories, tiny little somethings about me, fragments of a life that really only dreams of one thing...feeding the ones she really loves (really really loves) food memoires to pass on and on...
A Girl Who Likes to Cook
Me, a screen, an idea and the hopes to build a blog.
So you may ask "What's so different this time?" The title should clue you in that this is about food. For those who know me well enough, you know that I'm a food junkie, I love to entertain and host parties and that I'm quite sentimental about the entire subject.
However, food is more than just something you consume to live. Oh it's much more. The difference this time it's not so technical. Not from a chef's perspective like the past, but from a Girl's perspective. A girl who likes to cook who also likes to eat.
For me, definitely, I love to eat, love even more to cook and I'm crazy about feeding those I love.
When I say Food...I say Love. I mean real love. The feeling that links you to someone, some moment, or some action that is now fully apart of you.
This blog is not about recipes, "how-tos" or great places in town to try a particular dish. No, this one is about my connection with what food has meant to me. More like a creative way to share a part of what makes food so special to me - kind of like a diary, a little like a confession, . This is my way to connect two things I do in my free time. Write and Cook.
Maybe you'll be able to relate or maybe not...?
Everyone has a food journey and this will be mine. So prepare yourself, this may seem a bit kooky, random and maybe even a bit far-out but I promise it's all mine.
"Okay blogger, food must be your passion," you may say. No, it's not my passion. It's everyone's passion. I'm no different from anyone else on this planet in that regard. It is what it is...
Food - as it is:
Some people have too much, some take it for granted. Others go days without it out of choice, and millions go without it because they have no choice. It can be tossed out, it can be saved at the back of your refrigerator for days on end with the intentions of being eaten. It can be given, it can be taken away as punishment for not cleaning your room. It can tell a story, be a sign of forgiveness, a secret comfort, a reason to celebrate. It can frustrate us, it can calm us down. It can upset us and yet it can be a message of love. Food is powerful. Food = Inspired...
What to expect to read when you click on my blog? You will read some poems maybe, the odd essay and descriptive text on how something delicious or maybe not so delicious has worked its way into my life. You may read something unusual, or maybe you'll read something that reaches the deepest ebb of your heart and you too will be inspired.
What do I need from you, the reader? An open mind, a sense of humor, and patience as I may take my time to deliver my message. I believe in sharing it right the first time instead of blabbing now and having to explain it all later. Some posts may be short and sweet (much like myself) some may be long and tell a story going for ages (which I will try to avoid).
I won't be handing out ideas and tricks of the culinary trade (although if you need help, I won't say no) but I will be handing out stories, tiny little somethings about me, fragments of a life that really only dreams of one thing...feeding the ones she really loves (really really loves) food memoires to pass on and on...
A Girl Who Likes to Cook
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