Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Fruits of a Summer's Labour

Bare feet. Standing idle
A single ray of sun
Piercing through soft eyelashes.

Christmas coffee mug never retires
Filled with crisp brewed arabica.
Two sugars, and a cloudy swirl
Evaporated milk takes black coffee to caramel.

The morning dew sprays across toes as they glide
Through blades of grass.
creeping closely to the edge of the garden

Cup in one hand
Wicker basket in the other
Eyes investigate
Thick green leaves
Meandering vines

Fruits of a summers labour

Warm palms delve blindly
Feeling lush ripe tomatoes
Pluck and gently drop into a basket.
Feet hit dirt. Stepping deeper into a garden
Reaping what was sowed.

Heavy cucumbers
Curly lettuce reaching up like open hands
Begging to be lifted up and carried away.

Rich violet aubergine drooping
Like purple tear drops. Gleaming sharp sheers
Sever the clown tears from its green wire vine.

Mud pokes through the spaces between toes
The savory smell of chives draws attention
Branding sheers again, fistful at a time. Oniony sweet.
Spearmint scents rolling off finger tips.
A leaf or two popped between tongue and cheek
Refresh. Rejuvenate.

Oreo stalks bumble bees hovering in the marigolds
The cherp of robins on the roof top
Squeezing shoulder blades, stretching arms

A full breath in
Slowly out.
A basket filled to the brim

Fruits of a summers labour...


A Girl who likes to Cook

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