Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Off to Market

My eyes flicker, a struggle to focus.
The smell of Hugo Boss trails out the door
My socks I had kicked off the night before
Rolled up in the sheets, I search and give up
Bare feet on marble tile will do.

Bright sunny morning, no curtains
The windows wide with sunshine

He wore blue every day. Air force Captain
Sharp creases, perfectly aligned golden buttons
The brim of cap shadowed his eyes.

The clink of a spoon in his Illy coffee mug
Blended himself. Yogurt, with peaches. Fruit on the bottom.
Breakfast of a Captain.

Crumbs on the counter, a banana peel
Poking out of the trash can.
Why are there still no curtains?

I wore a green dress, cotton
Deep neckline, wooden hoops in my ears
Equipped with my floppy sunhat
I, A Girl who Likes to Cook goes
Off to Market.

Byward. Next stop, the bus unloads
Tourists, summer camp students, business men
Men in uniform. Fatigues of green, polished boots.

I brush my cheeks, warm.
A smile creeps up on the corner of my lips.


My wicker shopping bag empty. Waiting to be filled
The heal of my espadrille snags the cobble stone walk way.
I stumble but catch balance.

The honk of a Vespa, as I glare back
A cheeky man behind the wheel smiles.

Rows of stalls, blueberries and raspberries
Summer jewels, $2 a pint
Cherries? Or Cherry tomatoes?
Yellow cherry tomatoes or red?

$3 a pint, one of each

The toasty smell of baguettes
Almond sweetness of macaroons coconutty & chewy
Chocolate drizzle.

2 Macaroons and an espresso make for a nice break
$8.50, one chiabatta loaf, $3.99.

Fish? He doesn't like fish.
Smoked salmon, maybe? 6 slices

Blueberries, now 3/4 of a pint
Lips are violet, finger tips too.
Fresh lemonade to wash it down?


My eyes spot verdant greens.
Dill, chives, and rosemary.
One bunch of basil, I double check the leaves
No damaged sprigs, I'll take 2.

The jingle of a door bell,
I enter the slightly chilled store
A rickety fan spinning on the ceiling

I sample the dairy delights.
Havarti, Cheddar, Gouda, Fontina.
Second sample of the Havarti please.
I leave with 3 pieces of Buffalo Mozzarella


Swerving through stony alley ways
The summer breeze floating across my green dress
My nose and my taste buds take me on a tour

The snap of haricot vert
The pungent aroma of shallots
The salty cured slices of prosciutto
And sopressata. Nuggets of fat melt on my tongue.

A wicker shopping bag bursting at the seams
Sweat on my brow
A floppy white sunhat acts as my fan
As I wave it over my shiny face.

A slow journey back to the flat with no curtains
Espadrilles off, sunhat on the counter
A hungry officer waits

So goes a day
Off to market and back…


A Girl Who Likes to Cook


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