Wednesday, 8 October 2014

Being Schooled

A bus ticket $2.75 one way.
Next stop King and Jarvis.
January was mean
Blistering my cheeks
As she blew icy winds that made me tear up.
I walked through the halls.
My boots squeaked on the tiles.
Food Theory 1. 8:30 am.

But Intro from Head Chef first.
8:00am. Main hall.
Like the Marshmallow Man
In a huff he walked up to the lectern.
"Good morning!" His voice thundered

A feedback noise echos through the halls.

In cult like fashion the masses of student bodies reply back with "Good morning, Chef!"

"Chefs, what you think you know about what it takes and what it actually takes is very different," he said.

"You will forget the romance of the Food Network the first time you cut off the end of your finger."

"You will wake up before everyone and sleep after everyone. Some of you who have boyfriends and girlfriends may end up single by the end of this program,"

"Forget your social life, forget sleeping in. Don't come to class stoned, high, drunk or hung over. If you do, you're an automatic flunk in my eyes and in my books."

"If you accept this over worked and under paid career path you will move forward as chefs from here on. Do you accept?"

A hard gulp. And once again a unified "Yes Chef," grumbles from the crowd.

"Congratulations, welcome to George Brown College.  You are officially chefs in training! You belong to us now, a group of men and women that have dedicated their lives to those looking for a dining experience only your creative hands can offer!"

And as he scanned the crowd with his tiny brown eyes he paused...cleared his throat and said the words that echo in my mind to this very moment.

"Keep your knives sharp amd your mind sharper. Keep your aprons clean and you jacket pressed. If you assume everything is hot you won't get burned. Messy cutting boards equal messy thoughts.  Prep your own mise en place. And be proud! Never forget to stand by your brigade, your menu and your dish..."

A Girl Who Likes to Cook

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